ho hum. new year's eve came and went without much happening. it's now 2012 and we're onto our resolutions. working out more, eating better, speaking in the third person, cleaning out closets, etc. therese at work and school, rose at school, jake at work...
wait?! what the?!
"didn't something happen between the last post and this post?" you ask.
oh, right. totally spaced on that one. WE GOT MARRIED.
doesn't it feel good to say you're going to do something and then to actually do it? like take a week off from drinking. or run a mile in under 6 minutes.
we said we were gonna get married, so we did. we trained hard. we trained long. we practiced till we were perfect, then we got hitched.
and i gotta say, it was AWESOME.
we had a small wedding ceremony out at my mom's house on the hood canal. and i do mean small. only the closest of family and friends were there. we would have loved to have more folks there, but many important people were not invited to the wedding. mitt romney wasn't there, for example. and those people should thank us. had they been there, they would probably have been sitting on laps of other people that were there. and that could prove to be uncomfortable and distracting. and it may have ended with someone getting pregnant. you know how weddings can be...
everyone who was supposed to say "I do," said "I do." including, but not limited to Therese and I. Therese's brother Josh performed the ceremony. he did a bang up job. he may have a future in this. just as Therese and I may have futures in getting married. we both did great. and rose too! rose walked me down the "aisle" and therese's dad walked her. my nephew dylan played ring bearer. better than gollum, for sure. my friend Dave and his lady Alex sang some songs. they made me cry unicorn tears they were so beautiful. my mom channeled her inner top chef and fed us the most delicious foods. the only real complaint on my part was that everyone was crying. hold it together people! i mean seriously.
therese looked bored most of the time. like this:
people said some real nice things after the ceremony. and we love those people that were there. and we say nice things back. or at least we think them.
maybe some pics will come soon. if you're lucky.
here are the songs dave and alex played, sang, recited.
(disclaimer: this is NOT them performing at our ceremony)
(this IS actually them)
Congratulations.....great blog.
ReplyDeleteAlright--Steph is blatting-- wish I could have been there-- you two make the world whole--peace-joe