Tuesday, January 8, 2013

happy new year!

well, we survived another year. the mayans predicted we wouldn't. and we as a society are doing our best to kill ourselves off, but we made it. two thousand and thirteen. look at us now.
what this means to you, but mostly to me:
resolutions. you have resolved to be a better person. you have resolved to be fitter. eat better. drink less. be more sympathetic. tweet. read more books. fold your clothes right out of the dryer. blog more. wear more red. eat fewer clif bars. travel more. play less words with friends. but i'm just not seeing it. come on people, we're like eight days in and you've already fallen off the pace. it's safe to lose around three pounds a week. so, if you're not down five or six, 2013 is a waste thus far.and there's some shirts wrinkling in your dryer right now...
our anniversary. we celebrated our one year marriage-aversary. pretty sweet. all you nay-sayers out there can suck it. pay up. and for all of you who did not get us a wedding gift, don't think you're off the hook... they say (they, you know, those people) that you have a year to give a wedding gift... well, we applied for an extension and they approved it. so, you have another year to get us that blender. or those sheets. or that condo.
holiday cards. our fridge is plastered with your faces and your kids faces and your pets' faces. and your seasons greetings. and your warmest holiday wishes. so, thanks for that. oh, and BTW, it's a new fridge to us. as we moved into a new home. well, in november we did. but it's still pretty new for 2013. we had a housewarming party and you were all there. well, your pictures were anyway. they had a great time. especially the miners. oh, and the laviolettes.
family. we love our families. and i'll leave it at that since they might read this. i hope you love your families too. and ours mostly. it's probably more important that you love our family. more rewarding anyway.
friends. we love our friends. there were some friends in town for the holidays. to them i offer this.
fantasy football. my sundays are so much less stressful now that ffl is done. there's not many things i hate to love to hate to love more than fantasy football. and it consumes my sundays and most of my other waking hours from september to december. i invest so much ridiculous energy into something i have very little control over. and it makes me crazy. therese loves it though. otherwise i'd totally quit. every year i say it'll be my last. but instead of quitting this year, i joined a second league. and that seemed to be a terrific decision. twice the frustration! but you'll be happy to know that i got third in one of the leagues and that's seventy-five smackers.
therese. speaking of therese, she is working for three employers currently. but because of provider/patient  confidentiality, i don't know if i can say where she's working... but it's swedish in ballard with the midwives and swedish in ballard with the addiction recovery service. and the seattle indian health board. which i hope she'll quit soon. it's not up to me though where she works because we live in a progressive household and if she wants to have a job, i suppose she can have one. or three. i won't let her vote though. or expose her wrists or ankles. oh, and she also fairly recently discovered a love for superhero movies. which is cool for me because i got to watch all the movies again. but she likes them for a different reason. i like the action and witty one liners and guys getting beat up. she likes the deeper meaning of what it is to be a super hero. what defines them, their powers, and what they do with them. apparently with great power comes great responsibility. and with great super hero movies comes pop corn. she will gladly debate with you on whether or not a super hero wants the power they have and/or the inconsistencies between the x men films. 
rose. rose got forty seven books for christmas and had forty three of them read by lunch. thankfully she also got a kindle which is like forty seven HUNDRED books. [side note: it's fun to watch people who are used to touch screens use a non-touch screen device (side side note: it's not fun to watch people who are not used to touch screens use a touch screen device]. i should also point out that between reading all those forty seven new books she got, she also re-read every other book she owns and loves... rose is also four months into her fourth grade year at a new school. and she's kicking that new school's ass.

well, i should end this before it turns into one of those family newsletters that you get around the holidays but throw out before you finish reading it because you get tired of hearing about how awesome that family is...

our family is awesome. but not that awesome.


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